having visitors is wonderful in a lot of ways. you have the chance to show off your city, and it gives you a great excuse to go out and discover new things. but sometimes having a familiar face around [and then having that face leave] can bring on a wave of homesickness. factor in all the upsetting things going on in the world lately, struggling with my book manuscript, and it being Thanksgiving week - and you've got yourself a case of the expat holiday blues.
it happens every year about this time. somehow it always surprises me. and it always feels like the current year is the worst, and maybe the last year wasn't so bad. [even though you said the same thing last year.]
this year my coping strategy started with falling off the face of the internet for a while. Husband cheered me up by baking cookies, helping me hang some artwork, and taking me out to buy a new Christmas tree. I'm a pretty strict "not until after Thanksgiving" person, but this year we might make an exception. [if only by a few days.]
I'm also trying to take better care of myself. since there were exactly 30 days until our departure for Singapore, I decided to start the 30 days of yoga videos from Yoga with Adriene. 2 days complete so far, and I've eaten a lot of green things. aside from physical self-care, I'm trying to put less pressure on myself in regards to the book and this blog. I still have so much of New Zealand, and now another mass of recent Taiwan travels... but after completing my series on visiting Taiwan I was feeling a little burned out.
I can't really predict how things are going to be around here for the next few weeks. there's plenty of real-life happenings in the form of friendsgivings and holiday potlucks, cooking classes, hiking dates and happy hours, and probably re-watching all 12 of these holiday movies. there may or may not be a yearly recap post, reader survey, or any of your standard end-of-year blog fare going on.
at the least I wanted to pop in and say hello, I'm still here. and that I hope wherever you are, you're not feeling full of holiday blues. [but if you are - know that you're not alone.] mostly this is just my way of expressing the situation in hopes of moving past it to enjoy my holidays. I know that I will. and I hope that whichever holidays and however you celebrate, you enjoy yours too.
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